We just finished our crack for the new Corel VideoStudio Ultimate 2021 (works well with the Pro or Normal version too), another work made by our amazing guys.
Its not tested in every sistem, so we’ll be very grateful to receive your feedback.
The crack works with the trial version. If you find any problems, please leave us a comment with your OS version.
Software Description & System requirements
Download VideoStudio-2021v2.4.4xf-WIN
(Win 10, Win 8, Win 7 Version)
Zip pass: xforce-cracks.com
The instructions are well detailed in the file itself
Version of Keygen: v2.4.4
Release Date: 6/17/2021
Compatible with:
Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, 64 bit only
net framework 4.5 needed
Cracked by xForce-Cracks.com
Main features of the Ultimate Version 2021
- Color classification
- Dynamic Split Screen Video Template Maker
- Mask Creator
- Stabilize video
- 3D title editor
- Seamless transitions
- Improved color correction
- Morph transitions
- Export video with transparent background
- Split Screen Videos
- Customize motion path
- Animation in Stop Motion
- High-quality audio tools
How to Create a Quick Drawing Video in VideoStudio 2021
What better way is there to capture all your time and work than to record your screen while you design? In this year’s CorelDRAW International Design Contest, you can submit a quick drawing video along with your entry. This tutorial will explain how to record the video and then upload it. I will provide you with several clues as we go along.
To get started, you need software that captures or records your screen as you work. Luckily, Corel has just the product you need: Corel VideoStudio Pro X5 and later versions. If you don’t have it yet or don’t have any other screen capture software, I recommend that you visit Corel’s website and download the trial version or purchase your copy of this video editing software. It is worth purchasing.
While you wait for VideoStudio Pro to finish downloading, you can prepare the project to be recorded. First of all, if you have the screen resolution set to high, you should reduce it so that, when your audience views the video, they can distinguish the mouse cursor, the tools you use, etc. In CorelDRAW, close unused dockers and open them only when necessary. This should be done whenever the screen resolution is lowered. I have also found that before recording the project, it is good to practice creating the layout first. If you have multi-page documents or are importing content, prepare it beforehand as well. The more prepared you are, the better the recording will turn out.
Once VideoStudio Pro is downloaded, double-click the .exe file to start the installation process. Follow the prompts until the software is installed and ready to use. When you’re ready, make sure CorelDRAW is open, and then launch VideoStudio Pro.

In VideoStudio Pro, click the Capture step at the top of the workspace, then click Screenshot. The VideoStudio window will minimize and reveal the CorelDRAW window below it and a small dark gray dialog: Screenshot. Click the Full Screen drop-down menu and choose CorelDRAW from the available options. This will only save the CorelDRAW window. If you click Settings, you can specify the location to save the video and the format in which it will be recorded. YouTube (where you will upload the video when finished) supports most video formats. Therefore, the default WMV format should not present any problems. Below you will find the audio recording settings. It can be of great importance when recording a tutorial; However, since in this case it is a quick drawing video and there are location limitations due to the multinational nature of the contest, I recommend that you disconnect the voice and audio from the system. If you want to add music to the video, I’ll explain it to you in another step later.
Before you start recording, I have another suggestion that you should keep in mind as you work. Don’t forget that your video is going to have an audience. So if you’re like me and you like to use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out on the screen or scroll through it, you won’t be able to avoid it; However, you should be careful not to do it too often, as it will be more difficult for the audience to follow the video, especially if you speed it up. This is a complaint that I have received several times about my own videos and seminars, so if you take it into account, you will not have any difficulty.
Click the big record button when you’re ready to start recording and start designing. Don’t forget that you can pause the session at any time. For this, I like to use the F11 key.
When you’re done recording, click the Stop Recording button. The newly recorded video will be available in the VideoStudio Pro Library.
The next step is to add the recorded video to the timeline. I also recommend that you create a custom intro graphic for the new video in CorelDRAW. The intro graphic can include the design title, a preview image of the final design, your name, and any other credits you want to add. Exports the CorelDRAW image as a bitmap with the dimensions of the final video. The aspect ratio of YouTube is 16: 9, so you can export the image with 1280 x 720 pixels for a high definition video.
Add music to the video
Next, if you want to add music to the video, choose a song that complements the design and save it in the same folder as the intro graphic. It is convenient to opt for songs that do not displease the public. Try to choose music that the majority like and include the artist’s name in compliance with copyright laws. On the other hand, VideoStudio Pro includes royalty-free music and audio files in the library.
You can add the intro image and music to the library by clicking the Capture step at the top of the screen and then clicking the Import from digital media option. Navigate to the folder that contains the image on your computer and click OK, and then click Start. Check the image and audio file you want to import and click the start import button. In the next dialog box, the Capture to Library and Insert to Timeline options should be enabled by default. In that case, go ahead and click OK.
Then click the Edit step at the top of the screen to get started. The image, video, and music have been imported into the timeline. Arrange those items on the timeline however you like. You can even use VideoStudio Pro’s selection of transitions by clicking the icon that looks like a black A next to a white B. Don’t forget to test the video by clicking the play button in the preview window.
If you want to speed up the video, right-click the video portion of the project in the timeline. Click Speed / Time Lapse and choose the appropriate settings. Click Preview to test the settings, then click OK if you are satisfied with the result. If you change the speed of the recording, I recommend that you indicate it in a title or, better yet, in the intro graphic of the video.
What is VideoStudio?
Corel VideoStudio (formerly VideoStudio), a video editing software package for Microsoft Windows distributed by a Corel Division Ulead System. The software allows for both storyboarding and timeline-oriented editing. Different formats are supported for source clips, and the resulting video can be exported to DVD, AVCHD, HD-DVD, and AVI. VideoStudio also supports direct capture of DV and HDV to disk.
VideoStudio Pro
Feel free to experiment freely with VideoStudio Pro. It provides you with many more options than we have described in this tutorial. When you are satisfied with the project, it will be time to export the video.In the drop-down menu you can select WMV or MPEG-4. YouTube accepts both formats.
Now that you’ve finished your video and are ready to post it, visit youtube.com. Select the blue Login button in the upper right corner of the screen. If you have an account, enter your email address and password and press Sign in. If you don’t have a YouTube account yet, select the red Create an account button in the upper right corner of the screen. Follow the instructions to create your new account.
Once you’ve logged in, click the Upload Video button next to the search button at the top of the screen. On the next screen, you must click the Select files to upload button and navigate to the folder on your computer that contains the video. Click Open when you’ve selected it and follow the onscreen instructions.

Remember that, for this contest, Corel requires that the duration of the videos be equal to or less than 5 minutes. However, if you only want to create a video for fun or practice, you will have to keep in mind that YouTube imposes a 15-minute limit on the length of the videos that you can upload. To upload a video longer than 15 minutes:
Visit the video upload page at www.youtube.com/my_videos_upload.
Click Increase your limit at the bottom of the page.
Follow the steps to verify your account with a mobile phone.
If you cannot verify your account for any reason, then make sure the video does not exceed 15 minutes.
The video will take a long time to load, so sit back and relax. You might want to visit CorelDRAW.com while you wait and enjoy the great user forums and art galleries created by CorelDRAW users from around the world.
When your video is done uploading, review it to verify that it has uploaded successfully. I recommend that you tag the video with some of the following tags: ‘speed drawing’, ‘speed painting’, ‘CorelDRAW’, ‘Corel PHOTO-PAINT’. This will increase the likelihood that other users will find your video when searching for those terms.
Now that you have published the video, you can submit it to the contest along with your design. Good luck!
Download our VideoStudio Keygen (Ultimate 2021)
Download VideoStudio-2021v2.4.4xf-WIN
(Win 10, Win 8, Win 7 Version)
Zip pass: xforce-cracks.com
The instructions are well detailed in the file itself
We believe that sharing softwares is something great and needed, but please never forget to support his creators. If you can afford the product PLEASE BUY IT =)
*—————–* !!!!! Accept no imitation / X-FORCE * * We are the world #1 !!!!! *——————*
How can i download this
thank you
nice music lol thx
Cant patch
BOTTOM LINE IS: do not have internet active when installing anything, or using this program for that matter. Duh Duh Duh – Just Stay offline every time, pull the cable if you have to my friend.
If someone can\’t path, run patch with admin and try again.
How to downlodad? tnks
Hi NuclearStorm, Could you upload some instructions? Thanks
thanks 32 or 64bit?
big thankyou
Tks! Worked! Enable offlineworked like a charm
the crack threw me out about a week ago… 🙁 and now the inventor software needs to be activated.. 🙁 can you guys get a fix on the 2021 version?
Thx for the download
Thanks Guys!
…thanks !
Please, I need your urgent and important help … I was using Premiere Pro CS6 I think it was from 2010. And I had a crack of yours. Due to a mistake the Crack was canceled and now I can no longer use that program. I live in Venezuela and I don’t need a new program, I settle for the old ones I already have. Can you tell me where I find the Crack you made for that 2010 program? Or can I adapt the adobe premier pro 2018 Crack?
hej , funkar det verkligen ??
works great
Hi NuclearStorm, Could you upload some instructions? Thanks
kaze mi frend da je najbolji za diskove bolji od auslogicai defraglera. ali ja volim defragler jer je 64bit, lijepoje vidit kad instaliras ga da ide u program files ane u program files86 iliti 32bit
works for me
Zapravo mi je usporio hard drajv na win 10 pro, kad sam ga izbacio i odradio defrag sa klasicnim windovsovim programom, komp mi je progledao.
Download link doesn’t work.
How can i download this
Fiz todo procedimento e nao liberou o download
Ok, the best crack
If someone can\’t path, run patch with admin and try again.
how to download :S ??
Thanks xforce
Please, I need your urgent and important help … I was using Premiere Pro CS6 I think it was from 2010. And I had a crack of yours. Due to a mistake the Crack was canceled and now I can no longer use that program. I live in Venezuela and I don’t need a new program, I settle for the old ones I already have. Can you tell me where I find the Crack you made for that 2010 program? Or can I adapt the adobe premier pro 2018 Crack?
what is the password for zip ??!!!
Just a newbie, a keygen will always set it off.
thank you
Thank you very much.
Thanks Guys!
If someone can\’t path, run patch with admin and try again.
please upload fastest video downloader
how to download :S ??
New protection schema it’s a bit harder…
The crack keeps telling me that the paste version is corrupt
HAHAHA you little beauty! It works!!! Cheers guys.
2020 is no longer available to d/l its 2021 now. Please advise as to workaround? TIA
Will it work with USA censorship?
party on garth!
please provide the key
the crack threw me out about a week ago… 🙁 and now the inventor software needs to be activated.. 🙁 can you guys get a fix on the 2021 version?
kakav je ovaj raxco program jer valja šta??
Hello there! Can you send me a test? Thank you
work in china mainland?
where is the reg file?
Thank you very much =)
Downloading… txns
keeps saying it is corrupt could you fix please
Thx for the download
Ok, the best crack
I can’t find a keygen for Wordperfect 2020.
HAHAHA you little beauty! It works!!! Cheers guys.
nice music lol thx
can\’t activate the software. any help?
how to down load it
Please, I need your urgent and important help … I was using Premiere Pro CS6 I think it was from 2010. And I had a crack of yours. Due to a mistake the Crack was canceled and now I can no longer use that program. I live in Venezuela and I don’t need a new program, I settle for the old ones I already have. Can you tell me where I find the Crack you made for that 2010 program? Or can I adapt the adobe premier pro 2018 Crack?
CRUDE thank you for the ALL THE GREAT WORK you havegiven us over the years you have a great team ED
HAHAHA you little beauty! It works!!! Cheers guys.
Thanks Guys!
Thanks xforce
I can’t find a keygen for Wordperfect 2020.
Thank you =)
Thanks for sharing
pleas tell me way registor is closed..???
Hello, could You upload this keygen once again? Download button doesn’t work – 404 not found error
Does this work for the latest version? Thank you
The crack keeps telling me that the paste version is corrupt
Tks! Worked! Enable offlineworked like a charm
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing
thanks 32 or 64bit?
Download link?
Merci par avance.
download link not working
kakav je ovaj raxco program jer valja šta??
la concha de la lora
party on garth!
works great
Thanks xforce
work in china mainland?
How to downlodad? tnks
Hi NuclearStorm, Could you upload some instructions? Thanks
If someone can\’t path, run patch with admin and try again.
Thank you!!!!
How to download…i only got 7zip packHow about WordPerfect 2020 Keygen? Would be nice.
cant path. it said framework denied
nice music lol thx
2020 is no longer available to d/l its 2021 now. Please advise as to workaround? TIA
Thank you!!!!
Thanks for your hard work!
Hello, I would like to know if you can give me a link to download X-Force 2021 Keygen for AUTOCAD 2021
Download link not working. please upload it to another site like megaz
Many thanks
what is the password for zip ??!!!
Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si vous pouvez me donner un lien pour télécharger X-Force 2021 Keygen pour AUTOCAD 2021
thanks a lot
HAHAHA you little beauty! It works!!! Cheers guys.
please provide the key
party on garth!
thank you
kakav je ovaj raxco program jer valja šta??
thank you very much.
how to down load it
keeps saying it is corrupt could you fix please
kakav je ovaj raxco program jer valja šta??
Thanks for this share
thanks a lot
Many thanks
thank you
hej , funkar det verkligen ??
Hello, I would like to know if you can give me a link to download X-Force 2021 Keygen for AUTOCAD 2021
Thank you!!!!
Thank you very much =)
thank you =)
Thank you and cheers!
Just a newbie, a keygen will always set it off.
Thanks xforce
How do i register the application, numbers or letters?
Hi NuclearStorm, Could you upload some instructions? Thanks
Works fine with win10…
Hello, I would like to know if you can give me a link to download X-Force 2021 Keygen for AUTOCAD 2021
Works great! Thanks!
Awesome it works,install the trial but make sure your offline.Run the keygen to generate your code,copy the code and leave it open.Now open the trial program,scroll across the top toolbar to the far end.Select to activate it,enter the code you copied to get the machine code.Enter the new generated machine code into the box below it,enter it to patch the new code in
Thanks xforce
how to download, help needed
works for me
Thanx for this one
Thank you in advance.
hi, I can’t open windows activator, can’t run and extract even 7z. please help me
the crack threw me out about a week ago… 🙁 and now the inventor software needs to be activated.. 🙁 can you guys get a fix on the 2021 version?
Zapravo mi je usporio hard drajv na win 10 pro, kad sam ga izbacio i odradio defrag sa klasicnim windovsovim programom, komp mi je progledao.
Please the 7 zip file is is extracting
lol rick roll!
Thanks Guys!
Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si vous pouvez me donner un lien pour télécharger X-Force 2021 Keygen pour AUTOCAD 2021
Where is the keygen?!!
kakav je ovaj raxco program jer valja šta??
works ok, txs
Downloading… txns
Hey, I have some enquiries. I have been using xforce keygen for a long time. Recently, I got to crack my autocad 2017. But when I run as admin. I click patch. It keep stating debug priviledge. I tried troubleshooting compatibilty and all. But it is still not working
please provide the key
how to down load it
work in china mainland?
thank you =)
what is the password for zip ??!!!
Please, I need your urgent and important help … I was using Premiere Pro CS6 I think it was from 2010. And I had a crack of yours. Due to a mistake the Crack was canceled and now I can no longer use that program. I live in Venezuela and I don’t need a new program, I settle for the old ones I already have. Can you tell me where I find the Crack you made for that 2010 program? Or can I adapt the adobe premier pro 2018 Crack?
please upload fastest video downloader
keeps saying it is corrupt could you fix please
Just a newbie, a keygen will always set it off.
Thank you very much =)
Where is the keygen?!!
Does this work for the latest version? Thank you
Thanks Guys!
please upload fastest video downloader
Download link not working. please upload it to another site like megaz
I can\’t get an activation url for the keygen. any help?
thank you very much.
Hi, How about Keygen for Corel WordPerfect Office 2020? This version is released some time ago.
If someone can\’t path, run patch with admin and try again.
Hi, I’d appreciate adding mirror sites for the downloads. Thanks..
BOTTOM LINE IS: do not have internet active when installing anything, or using this program for that matter. Duh Duh Duh – Just Stay offline every time, pull the cable if you have to my friend.
work in china mainland?
Cant path. it said framework denied
On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”
Thank you!!!!
Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si vous pouvez me donner un lien pour télécharger X-Force 2021 Keygen pour AUTOCAD 2021
party on garth!
Thank you!
On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”
please upload fastest video downloader
New protection schema it’s a bit harder…
Nice guide, works perfect.
Thank you =)
Cant path. it said framework denied
How to downlodad? tnks
=D thanks
BOTTOM LINE IS: do not have internet active when installing anything, or using this program for that matter. Duh Duh Duh – Just Stay offline every time, pull the cable if you have to my friend.
thank you =)
thk you sir..
nice music lol thx
dont know how to download
2020 is no longer available to d/l its 2021 now. Please advise as to workaround? TIA
BOTTOM LINE IS: do not have internet active when installing anything, or using this program for that matter. Duh Duh Duh – Just Stay offline every time, pull the cable if you have to my friend.
hej , funkar det verkligen ??
crack is too hard to be done
thk you sir..
CRUDE thank you for the ALL THE GREAT WORK you havegiven us over the years you have a great team ED
Thank you in advance.
Works ok, txs
Tks! Worked! Enable offlineworked like a charm
Hi, I’d appreciate adding mirror sites for the downloads. Thanks..
great program thank you
lol rick roll!
can\’t activate the software. any help?
HAHAHA you little beauty! It works!!! Cheers guys.
Where is the keygen?!!
party on garth!
Thanks for this share
does anybody have the key
Ok, the best crack
2020 is no longer available to d/l its 2021 now. Please advise as to workaround? TIA
Thanks xforce
the best crack
2020 is no longer available to d/l its 2021 now. Please advise as to workaround? TIA
Thanks Guys!
link is not working
Download link?
Cant path. it said framework denied
I cant unzip using the password xforce-cracks.com help me!!!
Remember the first version of this on DOS days on a 286… Wow.
CRUDE thank you for the ALL THE GREAT WORK you havegiven us over the years you have a great team ED
Cant patch
Fiz todo procedimento e nao liberou o download
HAHAHA you little beauty! It works!!! Cheers guys.
the best crack
how to download, help needed
The .msi file downloaded through your link open a window DorstenialNativeInstall that says: there in no internet connection but there is so what can I do
How do i register the application, numbers or letters?
nice music lol thx
thank you very much.
Tks! Worked! Enable offlineworked like a charm
Super. Thank you…!
party on garth!
what a sweet nfo compared to ones today
Zapravo mi je usporio hard drajv na win 10 pro, kad sam ga izbacio i odradio defrag sa klasicnim windovsovim programom, komp mi je progledao.
I cant unzip using the password xforce-cracks.com help me!!!
Does this work for the latest version? Thank you
kakav je ovaj raxco program jer valja šta??
Thank you!!!!
Very good!
how to down load it
link is not working
thk you sir..
Ok, the best crack
thk you sir..
pleas tell me way registor is closed..???
Thanks for a dame good good job
Thanks xforce
I cant unzip using the password xforce-cracks.com help me!!!
kakav je ovaj raxco program jer valja šta??
what is the password for zip ??!!!
Where is the keygen?!!
HAHAHA you little beauty! It works!!! Cheers guys.
Hi, I’d appreciate adding mirror sites for the downloads. Thanks..
Download link?
la concha de la lora
Thank you very much
big thankyou
where is the reg file?
I cant unzip using the password xforce-cracks.com help me!!!
Works ok, txs
Thanks xforce
hi, I can’t open windows activator, can’t run and extract even 7z. please help me
Thanks for sharing
I can\’t get an activation url for the keygen. any help?
GREAT!! downloading
Tks! Worked! Enable offlineworked like a charm
works for me
We need a Mac OS Catalin version too
works ok, txs
Very good!
HAHAHA you little beauty! It works!!! Cheers guys.
Thank you very much.
i cant dowload anything
Remember the first version of this on DOS days on a 286… Wow.
Thank you and cheers!
what is the password for zip ??!!!
what is the password for zip ??!!!
Exclude this file,qpw200.dll, for antivirus, I can’t manage. BTW the password for the patch is SamuRa1
kakav je ovaj raxco program jer valja šta??
Please, I need your urgent and important help … I was using Premiere Pro CS6 I think it was from 2010. And I had a crack of yours. Due to a mistake the Crack was canceled and now I can no longer use that program. I live in Venezuela and I don’t need a new program, I settle for the old ones I already have. Can you tell me where I find the Crack you made for that 2010 program? Or can I adapt the adobe premier pro 2018 Crack?
There is a patch but antivirus removes it constantly. Then Quattro pro doesn’t work anymore.
works for me
Hello, could You upload this keygen once again? Download button doesn’t work – 404 not found error
Thanks Guys!
Guys, what about a MacOS Crack? Will you figure something out?
thank you
We need a Mac OS Catalin version too
hi, I can’t open windows activator, can’t run and extract even 7z. please help me
how to download :S ??
Remember the first version of this on DOS days on a 286… Wow.
where is the Key pls rply
please upload fastest video downloader
Awesome it works,install the trial but make sure your offline.Run the keygen to generate your code,copy the code and leave it open.Now open the trial program,scroll across the top toolbar to the far end.Select to activate it,enter the code you copied to get the machine code.Enter the new generated machine code into the box below it,enter it to patch the new code in
thank you very much.
how to download bro
On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”
crack is too hard to be done
Works fine with win10…
Cant path. it said framework denied
Thank you!
Thanx for this one
what is the password for zip ??!!!
Cant patch
2020 is no longer available to d/l its 2021 now. Please advise as to workaround? TIA
how to download bro
i cant dowload anything
thank you =)
nice music lol thx
Thanks for sharing
Thanks Guys!
HAHAHA you little beauty! It works!!! Cheers guys.
GREAT!! downloading
Hey, I have some enquiries. I have been using xforce keygen for a long time. Recently, I got to crack my autocad 2017. But when I run as admin. I click patch. It keep stating debug priviledge. I tried troubleshooting compatibilty and all. But it is still not working
2020 is no longer available to d/l its 2021 now. Please advise as to workaround? TIA
how to down load it
Thanks Guys!
Thanx for this one
Cant path. it said framework denied
works ok, txs
Hi NuclearStorm, Could you upload some instructions? Thanks
Thanks for this share
please provide the key
Hello, I would like to know if you can give me a link to download X-Force 2021 Keygen for AUTOCAD 2021
If someone can\’t path, run patch with admin and try again.
Hello, I would like to know if you can give me a link to download X-Force 2021 Keygen for AUTOCAD 2021
How to downlodad? tnks
party on garth!
Cant path. it said framework denied
hi, I can’t open windows activator, can’t run and extract even 7z. please help me
Works great! Thanks!
download link not working
what is the password for zip ??!!!
HAHAHA you little beauty! It works!!! Cheers guys.
Very good!
i cant dowload anything
The crack keeps telling me that the paste version is corrupt
Exclude this file,qpw200.dll, for antivirus, I can’t manage. BTW the password for the patch is SamuRa1
Hello there! Can you send me a test? Thank you
Please the 7 zip file is is extracting
download link not working
New protection schema it’s a bit harder…
I can’t find a keygen for Wordperfect 2020.
please provide the key
…thanks !
Thanks for a dame good good job
thank you
I understand perfectly your instructions because I\’ve been online forever but what about newbies? Don\’t they deserve consideration and better instructions, so that they can teach others in the future? I think you\’re arrogant.
Thanks for your hard work!
Thank you very much
thanks a lot
works great
Thanks for this share
Thank you!
Thx for the download
where is the reg file?
On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”
Thanks for sharing
thank you very much.
Thank you!!!!
Thank you!!!!
keeps saying it is corrupt could you fix please
thank you
Thank you!!!!
Thank you very much
Guys, what about a MacOS Crack? Will you figure something out?
Tks! Worked! Enable offlineworked like a charm
cant path. it said framework denied
Thanks Guys!
the crack threw me out about a week ago… 🙁 and now the inventor software needs to be activated.. 🙁 can you guys get a fix on the 2021 version?
works ok, txs
Thank you very much.
Downloading… txns
hej , funkar det verkligen ??
CRUDE thank you for the ALL THE GREAT WORK you havegiven us over the years you have a great team ED
Thanks for a dame good good job
HAHAHA you little beauty! It works!!! Cheers guys.
…thanks !
Works fine with win10…
what a sweet nfo compared to ones today
how to download :S ??
Works fine with win10…
Thank you =)
Thank you very much
cant path. it said framework denied
thanks 32 or 64bit?
Exclude this file,qpw200.dll, for antivirus, I can’t manage. BTW the password for the patch is SamuRa1
lol rick roll!
Please the 7 zip file is is extracting
How to downlodad? tnks
Nice guide, works perfect.
Thanx for this one
Works fine with win10…
New protection schema it’s a bit harder…
On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”
download link not working
Hello, I would like to know if you can give me a link to download X-Force 2021 Keygen for AUTOCAD 2021
Very good!
hej , funkar det verkligen ??
I cant unzip using the password xforce-cracks.com help me!!!
works for me
New protection schema it’s a bit harder…
Hi, How about Keygen for Corel WordPerfect Office 2020? This version is released some time ago.
Exclude this file,qpw200.dll, for antivirus, I can’t manage. BTW the password for the patch is SamuRa1
How to downlodad? tnks
The .msi file downloaded through your link open a window DorstenialNativeInstall that says: there in no internet connection but there is so what can I do
hej , funkar det verkligen ??
how to download :S ??
la concha de la lora
Download link?
Cant DL this crack if anyone have a good link? Plz help
I cannot find the link.
thanks a lot,good work
How do i register the application, numbers or letters?
how to download :S ??
How do i register the application, numbers or letters?
pleas tell me way registor is closed..???
Hello, I would like to know if you can give me a link to download X-Force 2021 Keygen for AUTOCAD 2021
On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”
Zapravo mi je usporio hard drajv na win 10 pro, kad sam ga izbacio i odradio defrag sa klasicnim windovsovim programom, komp mi je progledao.
Works great! Thanks!
Hello, I would like to know if you can give me a link to download X-Force 2021 Keygen for AUTOCAD 2021
link is not working
I can’t find a keygen for Wordperfect 2020.
works great
party on garth!
Thanks xforce
Works fine with win10…
the best crack
Hi NuclearStorm, Could you upload some instructions? Thanks
I cant unzip using the password xforce-cracks.com help me!!!
hej , funkar det verkligen ??
thank you
On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”
how to download :S ??
what a sweet nfo compared to ones today
hej , funkar det verkligen ??
cant path. it said framework denied
Will it work with USA censorship?
Cant path. it said framework denied
2020 is no longer available to d/l its 2021 now. Please advise as to workaround? TIA
works ok, txs
I understand perfectly your instructions because I\’ve been online forever but what about newbies? Don\’t they deserve consideration and better instructions, so that they can teach others in the future? I think you\’re arrogant.
I cant unzip using the password xforce-cracks.com help me!!!
Hello there! Can you send me a test? Thank you
I cannot find the link.
work in china mainland?
kaze mi frend da je najbolji za diskove bolji od auslogicai defraglera. ali ja volim defragler jer je 64bit, lijepoje vidit kad instaliras ga da ide u program files ane u program files86 iliti 32bit
where is the reg file?
I cant unzip using the password xforce-cracks.com help me!!!
HAHAHA you little beauty! It works!!! Cheers guys.
There is a patch but antivirus removes it constantly. Then Quattro pro doesn’t work anymore.
crack is too hard to be done
download link not working
Hello, could You upload this keygen once again? Download button doesn’t work – 404 not found error
la concha de la lora
Works great! Thanks!
2020 is no longer available to d/l its 2021 now. Please advise as to workaround? TIA
Hi, I’d appreciate adding mirror sites for the downloads. Thanks..
CRUDE thank you for the ALL THE GREAT WORK you havegiven us over the years you have a great team ED
Thanx for this one
thank you very much.
Hi, I’d appreciate adding mirror sites for the downloads. Thanks..
Super. Thank you…!
whats vpn i need ?
GREAT!! downloading
thank you =)
Tks! Worked! Enable offlineworked like a charm
thank you
Super. Thank you…!
the crack threw me out about a week ago… 🙁 and now the inventor software needs to be activated.. 🙁 can you guys get a fix on the 2021 version?
Downloading… txns
HAHAHA you little beauty! It works!!! Cheers guys.
Awesome it works,install the trial but make sure your offline.Run the keygen to generate your code,copy the code and leave it open.Now open the trial program,scroll across the top toolbar to the far end.Select to activate it,enter the code you copied to get the machine code.Enter the new generated machine code into the box below it,enter it to patch the new code in
The .msi file downloaded through your link open a window DorstenialNativeInstall that says: there in no internet connection but there is so what can I do
Thank you!!!!
how to down load it
Cant patch
I cant unzip using the password xforce-cracks.com help me!!!
Super. Thank you…!
Thank you!!!!
Thanks xforce
Many thanks
Please the 7 zip file is is extracting
nice music lol thx
how to download, help needed
Thanks for this share
Exclude this file,qpw200.dll, for antivirus, I can’t manage. BTW the password for the patch is SamuRa1
Thank you =)
Thx for the download
does anybody have the key
Hello, could You upload this keygen once again? Download button doesn’t work – 404 not found error
party on garth!
pleas tell me way registor is closed..???
How do i register the application, numbers or letters?
Thx for the download
Thanks xforce
the best crack
Download link doesn’t work.
Works fine with win10…
Many thanks
Fiz todo procedimento e nao liberou o download
Thanks Guys!
thanks a lot,good work
Thanks for this share
Does this work for the latest version? Thank you
On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”
Works fine with win10…
Thx for the download
2020 is no longer available to d/l its 2021 now. Please advise as to workaround? TIA
I cannot find the link.
Thank you in advance.
Please the 7 zip file is is extracting
thank you =)
thanks 32 or 64bit?
how to download bro
We need a Mac OS Catalin version too
Hi NuclearStorm, Could you upload some instructions? Thanks
I cant unzip using the password xforce-cracks.com help me!!!
I cannot find the link.
Works great! Thanks!
Will it work with USA censorship?
Thanks Guys!
how to download :S ??
Thanks for sharing
thk you sir..
On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”
Hi NuclearStorm, Could you upload some instructions? Thanks
Download link?
Thank you very much
Hi NuclearStorm, Could you upload some instructions? Thanks
Thank you!!!!
How to downlodad? tnks
Thank you very much
Download link doesn’t work.
How to downlodad? tnks
can\’t activate the software. any help?
Thank you!!!!
work in china mainland?
works ok, txs
Hi, I’d appreciate adding mirror sites for the downloads. Thanks..
please upload fastest video downloader
Ok, the best crack
Thanks for this share
crack is too hard to be done
Guys, what about a MacOS Crack? Will you figure something out?
Thank you and cheers!
How do i register the application, numbers or letters?
great program thank you
Thank you!!!!
2020 is no longer available to d/l its 2021 now. Please advise as to workaround? TIA
Where is the keygen?!!
Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si vous pouvez me donner un lien pour télécharger X-Force 2021 Keygen pour AUTOCAD 2021
How can i download this
whats vpn i need ?
New protection schema it’s a bit harder…
thank you
Merci par avance.
kaze mi frend da je najbolji za diskove bolji od auslogicai defraglera. ali ja volim defragler jer je 64bit, lijepoje vidit kad instaliras ga da ide u program files ane u program files86 iliti 32bit
thank you
good job
Thank you!!!!
la concha de la lora
On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”
Please the 7 zip file is is extracting
Download link not working. please upload it to another site like megaz
Fiz todo procedimento e nao liberou o download
where is the Key pls rply
how to download, help needed
I cant unzip using the password xforce-cracks.com help me!!!
Thank you!!!!
Thanks for your hard work!
thank you =)
Please, I need your urgent and important help … I was using Premiere Pro CS6 I think it was from 2010. And I had a crack of yours. Due to a mistake the Crack was canceled and now I can no longer use that program. I live in Venezuela and I don’t need a new program, I settle for the old ones I already have. Can you tell me where I find the Crack you made for that 2010 program? Or can I adapt the adobe premier pro 2018 Crack?
what is the password for zip ??!!!
Thank you very much
Guys, what about a MacOS Crack? Will you figure something out?
Hi NuclearStorm, Could you upload some instructions? Thanks
How to downlodad? tnks
cant path. it said framework denied
thanks a lot
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for your hard work!
big thankyou
Download link not working. please upload it to another site like megaz
CRUDE thank you for the ALL THE GREAT WORK you havegiven us over the years you have a great team ED
Hello, could You upload this keygen once again? Download button doesn’t work – 404 not found error
the crack threw me out about a week ago… 🙁 and now the inventor software needs to be activated.. 🙁 can you guys get a fix on the 2021 version?
Many thanks
Works ok, txs
Thank you!!!!
Works fine with win10…
big thankyou
keeps saying it is corrupt could you fix please
If someone can\’t path, run patch with admin and try again.
thank you
great program thank you
Tks! Worked! Enable offlineworked like a charm
Many thanks
where is the Key pls rply
Thanks for your hard work!
Hey, I have some enquiries. I have been using xforce keygen for a long time. Recently, I got to crack my autocad 2017. But when I run as admin. I click patch. It keep stating debug priviledge. I tried troubleshooting compatibilty and all. But it is still not working
Thanks Guys!
Will it work with USA censorship?
Hi, I’d appreciate adding mirror sites for the downloads. Thanks..
Please, I need your urgent and important help … I was using Premiere Pro CS6 I think it was from 2010. And I had a crack of yours. Due to a mistake the Crack was canceled and now I can no longer use that program. I live in Venezuela and I don’t need a new program, I settle for the old ones I already have. Can you tell me where I find the Crack you made for that 2010 program? Or can I adapt the adobe premier pro 2018 Crack?
Awesome it works,install the trial but make sure your offline.Run the keygen to generate your code,copy the code and leave it open.Now open the trial program,scroll across the top toolbar to the far end.Select to activate it,enter the code you copied to get the machine code.Enter the new generated machine code into the box below it,enter it to patch the new code in
Tks! Worked! Enable offlineworked like a charm
thk you sir..
Hello, I would like to know if you can give me a link to download X-Force 2021 Keygen for AUTOCAD 2021
Cant path. it said framework denied
keeps saying it is corrupt could you fix please
Thanks xforce
keeps saying it is corrupt could you fix please
how to download bro
party on garth!
what is the password for zip ??!!!
BOTTOM LINE IS: do not have internet active when installing anything, or using this program for that matter. Duh Duh Duh – Just Stay offline every time, pull the cable if you have to my friend.
Hello there! Can you send me a test? Thank you
Very good!
works OK as a standalone but plugins says \’could not be loaded as not properly signed\’.
works great
the crack threw me out about a week ago… 🙁 and now the inventor software needs to be activated.. 🙁 can you guys get a fix on the 2021 version?
Hey, I have some enquiries. I have been using xforce keygen for a long time. Recently, I got to crack my autocad 2017. But when I run as admin. I click patch. It keep stating debug priviledge. I tried troubleshooting compatibilty and all. But it is still not working
=D thanks
crack is too hard to be done
Does this work for the latest version? Thank you
Tks! Worked! Enable offlineworked like a charm
I cannot find the link.
Works great! Thanks!
Awesome it works,install the trial but make sure your offline.Run the keygen to generate your code,copy the code and leave it open.Now open the trial program,scroll across the top toolbar to the far end.Select to activate it,enter the code you copied to get the machine code.Enter the new generated machine code into the box below it,enter it to patch the new code in
how to download bro
does anybody have the key
Remember the first version of this on DOS days on a 286… Wow.
I understand perfectly your instructions because I\’ve been online forever but what about newbies? Don\’t they deserve consideration and better instructions, so that they can teach others in the future? I think you\’re arrogant.
Where is the keygen?!!
party on garth!
Tks! Worked! Enable offlineworked like a charm
works OK as a standalone but plugins says \’could not be loaded as not properly signed\’.
Thank you very much
hej , funkar det verkligen ??
download link not working
Thank you!!!!
whats vpn i need ?
Thank you very much.
Very good!
Awesome it works,install the trial but make sure your offline.Run the keygen to generate your code,copy the code and leave it open.Now open the trial program,scroll across the top toolbar to the far end.Select to activate it,enter the code you copied to get the machine code.Enter the new generated machine code into the box below it,enter it to patch the new code in
Thank you very much.
the best crack
dont know how to download
whats vpn i need ?
Thanks Guys!
Cant patch
2020 is no longer available to d/l its 2021 now. Please advise as to workaround? TIA
the best crack
thk you sir..
party on garth!
kaze mi frend da je najbolji za diskove bolji od auslogicai defraglera. ali ja volim defragler jer je 64bit, lijepoje vidit kad instaliras ga da ide u program files ane u program files86 iliti 32bit
please provide the key
Nice guide, works perfect.
i cant dowload anything
Thank you =)
Thank you and cheers!
pleas tell me way registor is closed..???
work in china mainland?
works ok, txs
where is the Key pls rply
hej , funkar det verkligen ??
Thank you in advance.
lol rick roll!
Hello there! Can you send me a test? Thank you
party on garth!
Nice guide, works perfect.
works ok, txs
Tks! Worked! Enable offlineworked like a charm
thank you
Works ok, txs
kakav je ovaj raxco program jer valja šta??