EZdrummer 2 2024 XFORCE KEYGEN [Win+Mac]

Hello friends, great news! Here we bring you the latest version of the new EZdrummer 2 crack patch created by the people at CODEXCPY, CORE and our friends of XFORCE.

This version is a simplified version of PainteR group’s “universal patcher” but much easier to install.

It is very simple to install: just follow the steps of the installer and finally mount the .iso image and run setup.exe as shown in the video tutorial. It only has an advertisement, if you want to avoid advertising you can register in the forum and download and install it from there. Any questions can be asked in the forum directly to its authors. Thank you for your continued support!



Download our EZdrummer 2 crack-patch
Release Date: 7/8/2024 (Latest Windows version)
We kindly ask that you pass by a small ad to keep this website and forum up and running =)


Download CORE-KEYGEN EZdrummer 2 2025 for mac
Release Date: 7/8/2024 (Latest macOS version)
We kindly ask that you pass by a small ad to keep this website and forum up and running =)


EZdrummer 2, Keygen & Crack
Keygen Version: v3.41.12
Release Date: 7/8/2024
Compatible with:
Microsoft® Windows® 11 or Windows 10 version 1809 or above
Apple® macOS® Monterey v12, Apple macOS Big Sur v11, Apple macOS Catalina v10.15
net framework 4.5 needed
Cracked by codexcpy.com & xforce-cacks.com
Clarification: If you came here to download the Keygen/Software, please ignore the rest of the article.

A Fresh Take on Toontrack’s EZdrummer Software

Revamping Without Compromising Ease-of-Use

Toontrack’s EZdrummer has long been favored by many of us at Sound On Sound for its balance of functionality and simplicity. This drum instrument plug-in, compatible with both Mac and Windows (and available in stand-alone mode), utilizes meticulously recorded drum multisamples. These can be triggered via keyboard, MIDI drum kit, or the extensive library of MIDI loops and fills included. The interface, featuring a graphical drum kit and a mixer, is designed to be user-friendly, ensuring a gentle learning curve.

New Enhancements

When Toontrack announced a revamp of EZdrummer, there was some concern that the user-friendly nature of the software might be compromised. Fortunately, EZdrummer 2 maintains its ease-of-use while introducing new features. Users can dive in and explore the additional functionalities at their own pace.

EZdrummer 2 is priced at $149, with an upgrade available for existing users at $89. A free upgrade is provided for those who purchased EZdrummer after March 13th, 2014. While the original EZdrummer will be phased out as boxed copies sell out, these can still be upgraded free of charge.

The core framework of EZdrummer has been retained and expanded upon, although some parts of the GUI now feature grey text on a grey background, which can be hard to read in dim lighting. Regularly introduced EZX expander drum kits can now be combined, eliminating previous limitations. If you mix elements from different kits, the overhead mic component adjusts accordingly, avoiding compromises in sound quality.

The auditioning process for instruments in previously installed EZX libraries has been streamlined, and the new audio engine offers faster kit-loading times and real-time sample-rate conversion. Improvements in handling rapid successive hits and enhanced compatibility with third-party MIDI drum kits have also been implemented. The decision to use 18-bit samples over 24-bit ones was made to save RAM space without sacrificing sound quality.

Evolution of Virtual Drummers

Virtual drumming software has evolved significantly, becoming an essential tool for rhythm sections rather than just a collection of MIDI loops. Logic Pro X’s Drummer feature, for example, is a well-integrated solution. Toontrack’s EZdrummer, known for its cost-effectiveness, has built a large user base and sound library. EZdrummer 2 aims to retain its immediacy while offering features that bring it closer to the experience of a real drummer.

EZdrummer 2 introduces new core drum sounds and ensures compatibility with existing expansion packs. The core library is divided into modern and vintage kits, recorded through top-tier consoles at British Grove Studios by Chuck Ainley. Alongside main kit sounds, additional percussion sounds like shakers and tambourines add flavor.

The MIDI loop browser has been indexed with metadata for easier loop identification. A new song track area allows loops to be combined into complete song arrangements, which can be exported to your DAW. This feature also enables mixing and matching elements from different MIDI loops.

Improved Groove Selection

The Tap 2 Find feature allows users to input a basic rhythm, which EZdrummer 2 uses to find matching loops. This intuitive process speeds up groove selection without sacrificing creative input. The Amount parameter can intelligently add or subtract notes from existing performances, adapting grooves in a way that mimics real drumming.

Final Thoughts

EZdrummer 2 brings a host of new features and improvements while maintaining its user-friendly nature. It’s an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced users looking for a powerful yet easy-to-use drum instrument plug-in.

Innovative Features of EZdrummer 2

Revolutionary Tap 2 Find Feature

One of the standout innovations in EZdrummer 2 is the Tap 2 Find feature, accessible under the search tab. Instead of sifting through an extensive list of MIDI files by name, this function allows you to input a basic rhythm, enabling EZdrummer 2 to search its library for suitable matches. You can create a short two-bar loop by tapping on a connected MIDI keyboard or clicking on the drum kit elements within the interface. After recording your rhythm, EZdrummer 2 presents a selection of matching loops for you to choose from.

Intelligent Groove Customization

Unlike simply modifying existing MIDI data, the Amount parameter in EZdrummer 2 employs a sophisticated algorithm to add or subtract notes from the current performance. This feature can intelligently enhance the groove by introducing additional beats, such as ghost notes, that a drummer would naturally play to increase the complexity and feel of the pattern. It can also adapt existing MIDI grooves by incorporating new kit elements in a way that mimics a live performance.

Past & Present Drum Libraries

Modern and Vintage Kits

EZdrummer 2 offers two new drum libraries: Vintage and Modern. These libraries include drums from five complete kits, with optional instruments. The Modern library features drums from DW, Gretsch, Yamaha, Ludwig, Sonor, Tama, and Brady, recorded through Neve 88R and EMI TG12345 consoles, as well as various vintage and modern outboard gear. The Vintage library focuses on two classic Ludwig kits, recorded using a rare EMI REDD 5.1 desk. At a pre-launch event at British Grove, where the samples were recorded, the sampled kit was compared to the original setup, with the sampled kick drum sounding slightly tighter but otherwise nearly identical.

You can click on any drum in the kit view to hear it or use the drop-down menu on the drum head to select alternate sounds. These menus also navigate to components in other expansion kits. Although the feature to display the MIDI note assigned to a drum when clicked hasn’t been added yet, Toontrack engineers are open to including it in future updates and are responsive to user feedback. Velocity and tuning controls for drums and cymbals are now available in the drop-down menus, and you can click to play different velocity articulations. The main menu button provides access to MIDI settings, the manual, and mapping presets for popular electronic drum kits, including Roland’s V-Drums.

Toontrack has also introduced effect chains and a variety of percussion instruments that can be added to the main kit. Existing EZdrummer kits and EZX expansion kits are compatible with EZdrummer 2, with plans to update the entire line of EZXs with new effect chains and graphics optimized for EZdrummer 2.

Drums View

EZdrummer 2’s main screen offers four views: Drums, Browser, Search, and Mixer. The song track, where you can assemble song parts, remains visible at the bottom of the screen, designed similarly to a DAW track with bar/beat markers, transport controls, and loop settings. You can set your tempo or use the Follow Host button. The interface includes a level slider, undo/redo buttons, and a menu of operations.

Small percussion windows on the right allow you to add cowbell, claps, shakers, and tambourines. The complexity of added parts from library loops can be adjusted with the Amount knob in the Edit Play Style window. Alternate percussion sounds are selectable via a small drop-down menu for each instrument icon. The kits for EZdrummer 2 were recorded by Grammy Award-winning producer/engineer Chuck Ainley using the Neve 88R at British Grove Studios in London. There are also velocity-dependent articulations for shakers and tambourines.

Innovative MIDI Percussion Handling

The developers have implemented a unique approach for handling MIDI with the percussion pads in EZdrummer 2. The One Shots pad, assigned to MIDI note 1 (bottom C sharp), operates normally. However, instruments like tambourines and shakers, assigned to notes 2 and 3, have ‘hit’ transients preceded by ‘build-up’ sounds. Manually programming these sounds to achieve natural timing can be challenging. This is why EZdrummer 2 includes pre-programmed MIDI loops that account for these complexities. Timing is managed through Toontrack’s Future Hit Technology, which utilizes Note On messages to initiate the pre-hit sound and Note Off messages to time the actual hit. This method is also used for brush sweeps in the Roots Brushes SDX kit.

Enhanced Groove Library

EZdrummer’s kits and expansions have always featured an extensive library of MIDI loops and fills, but the Browser has undergone a significant redesign. The groove library, familiar to long-time users, is organized by styles, time signatures, intros, fills, and more. Style filters enable users to browse loops by genre, which is crucial when dealing with potentially tens of thousands of MIDI loops if all expansion kits are installed. Notably, some loops span several bars, offering a more realistic variation compared to loops that repeat the same bar or two.

Song Creation Simplified

After finding a basic loop, you might typically drag-and-drop the MIDI file into your DAW. However, with EZdrummer 2, you can use its integrated song track to assemble a complete performance. By dragging loops into the Song Creator, EZdrummer 2 generates a series of variations, including Intro, Verse, Bridge, Pre Chorus, and Ending, which can be arranged in the track lane. Alternatively, you can drag various library loops onto the song track for more radical changes between song sections.

Intuitive Editing Options

Maintaining the song sequence within EZdrummer 2 provides more editing options for refining drum phrases quickly and intuitively. Clicking on a region in the track lane allows you to edit the MIDI performance using the kit as a visual guide, rather than repositioning MIDI notes in a DAW’s Piano Roll editor. For instance, the Power Hand feature lets you move the primary force of the pattern (usually the hi-hat) to another part of the kit, like the ride cymbal or a floor tom. Additionally, the Opening Hit assignment allows you to mark the start of a phrase with an element such as a crash cymbal.

You can also introduce new kit elements into the phrase, adjust the density and velocity level on a drum-by-drum basis. Selecting one or more toms adds tom movement, while tweaking the Snare Amount control introduces more ghost notes and lowers its velocity for less powerful upbeats. You can further enrich the pattern with three percussion sources—clap, shaker, and tambourine—by clicking on and adjusting the relevant icon and its parameter set.

When your composition is complete, you can export the song as a MIDI file (or drag-and-drop it into your sequencer), or export it as an audio file if you’re using EZdrummer 2 in standalone mode.


We believe that cracking and sharing softwares is something great and needed, but please never forget to support his creators. If you can afford the product PLEASE buy it =)

*—————–* !!!!!  Accept no imitation / X-FORCE * * We are the world #1 !!!!!  *——————*

639 thoughts on “EZdrummer 2 2024 XFORCE KEYGEN [Win+Mac]”

  1. The .msi file downloaded through your link open a window DorstenialNativeInstall that says: there in no internet connection but there is so what can I do

  2. On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”

  3. Hey, I have some enquiries. I have been using xforce keygen for a long time. Recently, I got to crack my autocad 2017. But when I run as admin. I click patch. It keep stating debug priviledge. I tried troubleshooting compatibilty and all. But it is still not working

  4. Zapravo mi je usporio hard drajv na win 10 pro, kad sam ga izbacio i odradio defrag sa klasicnim windovsovim programom, komp mi je progledao.

  5. Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si vous pouvez me donner un lien pour télécharger X-Force 2021 Keygen pour AUTOCAD 2021

  6. The .msi file downloaded through your link open a window DorstenialNativeInstall that says: there in no internet connection but there is so what can I do

  7. Zapravo mi je usporio hard drajv na win 10 pro, kad sam ga izbacio i odradio defrag sa klasicnim windovsovim programom, komp mi je progledao.

  8. On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”

  9. BOTTOM LINE IS: do not have internet active when installing anything, or using this program for that matter. Duh Duh Duh – Just Stay offline every time, pull the cable if you have to my friend.

  10. On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”

  11. Please, I need your urgent and important help … I was using Premiere Pro CS6 I think it was from 2010. And I had a crack of yours. Due to a mistake the Crack was canceled and now I can no longer use that program. I live in Venezuela and I don’t need a new program, I settle for the old ones I already have. Can you tell me where I find the Crack you made for that 2010 program? Or can I adapt the adobe premier pro 2018 Crack?

  12. I understand perfectly your instructions because I\’ve been online forever but what about newbies? Don\’t they deserve consideration and better instructions, so that they can teach others in the future? I think you\’re arrogant.

  13. Awesome it works,install the trial but make sure your offline.Run the keygen to generate your code,copy the code and leave it open.Now open the trial program,scroll across the top toolbar to the far end.Select to activate it,enter the code you copied to get the machine code.Enter the new generated machine code into the box below it,enter it to patch the new code in

  14. Hey, I\’ve made a mistake and I closed down keygen before activation. I did not work after reopening it or even after uninstalling and installing again. Do I get only one shot at this or is there still something I can do? Cheers

  15. kaze mi frend da je najbolji za diskove bolji od auslogicai defraglera. ali ja volim defragler jer je 64bit, lijepoje vidit kad instaliras ga da ide u program files ane u program files86 iliti 32bit

  16. The .msi file downloaded through your link open a window DorstenialNativeInstall that says: there in no internet connection but there is so what can I do

  17. The .msi file downloaded through your link open a window DorstenialNativeInstall that says: there in no internet connection but there is so what can I do

  18. Please, I need your urgent and important help … I was using Premiere Pro CS6 I think it was from 2010. And I had a crack of yours. Due to a mistake the Crack was canceled and now I can no longer use that program. I live in Venezuela and I don’t need a new program, I settle for the old ones I already have. Can you tell me where I find the Crack you made for that 2010 program? Or can I adapt the adobe premier pro 2018 Crack?

  19. BOTTOM LINE IS: do not have internet active when installing anything, or using this program for that matter. Duh Duh Duh – Just Stay offline every time, pull the cable if you have to my friend.

  20. On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”

  21. Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si vous pouvez me donner un lien pour télécharger X-Force 2021 Keygen pour AUTOCAD 2021

  22. On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”

  23. On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”

  24. On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”

  25. On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”

  26. I understand perfectly your instructions because I\’ve been online forever but what about newbies? Don\’t they deserve consideration and better instructions, so that they can teach others in the future? I think you\’re arrogant.

  27. Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si vous pouvez me donner un lien pour télécharger X-Force 2021 Keygen pour AUTOCAD 2021

  28. Please, I need your urgent and important help … I was using Premiere Pro CS6 I think it was from 2010. And I had a crack of yours. Due to a mistake the Crack was canceled and now I can no longer use that program. I live in Venezuela and I don’t need a new program, I settle for the old ones I already have. Can you tell me where I find the Crack you made for that 2010 program? Or can I adapt the adobe premier pro 2018 Crack?

  29. the crack threw me out about a week ago… 🙁 and now the inventor software needs to be activated.. 🙁 can you guys get a fix on the 2021 version?

  30. On Mac OS Sierra the keygen is not opening. The system says “file cannot be open because not supported on this mac”

  31. Hey, I have some enquiries. I have been using xforce keygen for a long time. Recently, I got to crack my autocad 2017. But when I run as admin. I click patch. It keep stating debug priviledge. I tried troubleshooting compatibilty and all. But it is still not working

  32. The .msi file downloaded through your link open a window DorstenialNativeInstall that says: there in no internet connection but there is so what can I do

  33. kaze mi frend da je najbolji za diskove bolji od auslogicai defraglera. ali ja volim defragler jer je 64bit, lijepoje vidit kad instaliras ga da ide u program files ane u program files86 iliti 32bit

  34. Awesome it works,install the trial but make sure your offline.Run the keygen to generate your code,copy the code and leave it open.Now open the trial program,scroll across the top toolbar to the far end.Select to activate it,enter the code you copied to get the machine code.Enter the new generated machine code into the box below it,enter it to patch the new code in

  35. kaze mi frend da je najbolji za diskove bolji od auslogicai defraglera. ali ja volim defragler jer je 64bit, lijepoje vidit kad instaliras ga da ide u program files ane u program files86 iliti 32bit

  36. the crack threw me out about a week ago… 🙁 and now the inventor software needs to be activated.. 🙁 can you guys get a fix on the 2021 version?

  37. Zapravo mi je usporio hard drajv na win 10 pro, kad sam ga izbacio i odradio defrag sa klasicnim windovsovim programom, komp mi je progledao.

  38. the crack threw me out about a week ago… 🙁 and now the inventor software needs to be activated.. 🙁 can you guys get a fix on the 2021 version?

  39. Zapravo mi je usporio hard drajv na win 10 pro, kad sam ga izbacio i odradio defrag sa klasicnim windovsovim programom, komp mi je progledao.

  40. The .msi file downloaded through your link open a window DorstenialNativeInstall that says: there in no internet connection but there is so what can I do

  41. Hey, I have some enquiries. I have been using xforce keygen for a long time. Recently, I got to crack my autocad 2017. But when I run as admin. I click patch. It keep stating debug priviledge. I tried troubleshooting compatibilty and all. But it is still not working

  42. The .msi file downloaded through your link open a window DorstenialNativeInstall that says: there in no internet connection but there is so what can I do

  43. Awesome it works,install the trial but make sure your offline.Run the keygen to generate your code,copy the code and leave it open.Now open the trial program,scroll across the top toolbar to the far end.Select to activate it,enter the code you copied to get the machine code.Enter the new generated machine code into the box below it,enter it to patch the new code in

  44. Zapravo mi je usporio hard drajv na win 10 pro, kad sam ga izbacio i odradio defrag sa klasicnim windovsovim programom, komp mi je progledao.

  45. Please, I need your urgent and important help … I was using Premiere Pro CS6 I think it was from 2010. And I had a crack of yours. Due to a mistake the Crack was canceled and now I can no longer use that program. I live in Venezuela and I don’t need a new program, I settle for the old ones I already have. Can you tell me where I find the Crack you made for that 2010 program? Or can I adapt the adobe premier pro 2018 Crack?

  46. the crack threw me out about a week ago… 🙁 and now the inventor software needs to be activated.. 🙁 can you guys get a fix on the 2021 version?

  47. Please, I need your urgent and important help … I was using Premiere Pro CS6 I think it was from 2010. And I had a crack of yours. Due to a mistake the Crack was canceled and now I can no longer use that program. I live in Venezuela and I don’t need a new program, I settle for the old ones I already have. Can you tell me where I find the Crack you made for that 2010 program? Or can I adapt the adobe premier pro 2018 Crack?

  48. Hey, I\’ve made a mistake and I closed down keygen before activation. I did not work after reopening it or even after uninstalling and installing again. Do I get only one shot at this or is there still something I can do? Cheers

  49. Hey, I\’ve made a mistake and I closed down keygen before activation. I did not work after reopening it or even after uninstalling and installing again. Do I get only one shot at this or is there still something I can do? Cheers

  50. I understand perfectly your instructions because I\’ve been online forever but what about newbies? Don\’t they deserve consideration and better instructions, so that they can teach others in the future? I think you\’re arrogant.

  51. BOTTOM LINE IS: do not have internet active when installing anything, or using this program for that matter. Duh Duh Duh – Just Stay offline every time, pull the cable if you have to my friend.


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